
Josephus Geographicus : the classical context of geography in Josephus / Yuval Shahar

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Bearbeitungszeit: 3 Werktage

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  • Stark gebrauchter Zustand / Mangelware
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Zeitliche Einordnung:2004
Umfang:VIII, 305 S
Format:; 24 cm
Sachgruppe(n):910 Geografie, Reisen ; 930 Alte Geschichte, Archäologie
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck
Schlagwörter:Antike ; Geschichtsschreibung ; Geografie ; Josephus, Flavius
Josephus, Flavius ; Geografie ; Griechenland (Altertum) ; Geschichtsschreibung
Josephus, Flavius ; Geografie ; Römisches Reich ; Geschichtsschreibung



Why did ancient historians include geographical descriptions in their historical works? How does the spatial description fulfill its goal? In this book, Yuval Shahar discusses these two questions, showing that the answers depend on the particular historian and the genre in which he is writing. He analyzes and compares the presentation of geographical space in the writings of Herodotus, Thucydides, Polybius and Strabo, with selected illustrations from early Latin historiography. It is clear from this that Flavius Josephus consciously and definitively follows the generic approach of Polybius and Strabo. Moreover, Josephus descriptions of parts of the Land of Israel are structured in the same way as the descriptions in Strabos Geography, and reflect a hidden dialogue between Josephus and Strabo. Awareness of these generic characteristics enables a new reading of some of Josephus most famous descriptions, such as Jotapata, Gamala and Masada, and establishes his credibility.


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