
African Identities and World Christianity in the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of the Third International Munich-Freising Conference on the History ... World (Asia, Africa, Latin America), Band 10)

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Bearbeitungszeit: 3 Werktage

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Zeitliche Einordnung:0
Umfang: 284 S
Format:; 24 cm
Sachgruppe(n):Sachgruppe(n) 230 Theologie, Christentum ; 960 Geschichte Afrikas
Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz
Schlagwörter:Schlagwörter Afrika ; Christentum ; Geschichte 1850-2000 ; Kongress ; Freising <2004>
Afrika ; Theologie ; Geschichte 1850-2000 ; Kongress ; Freising <2004>



The map of global Christianity continues to undergo dramatic changes, and on this map Africa comes to the fore. The proceedings of the Third International Conference at Munich-Freising on the History of Christianity in the Non-Western World seek to respond to the growing importance of Africa in the context of World Christianity. Prominent scholars from Africa and Europe deal with the manifold manifestations of African Christianity in the 20th century and the various ways in which African and Christian identities were formulated and interacted with each other. The negotiation of the local and the global in the process of forming African churches is discussed, as is the question of the impact of internal African debates and developments on global ecumenical discussions. From the table of contents (16 contributions):O.U. Kalu, A Trail of Ferment in African Christianity. Ethiopianism, Prophetism, PentecostalismK. Ward, African identities in the historic Mainline Churches. A case study of the negotiation of local and global within African AnglicanismA. Anderson, African Independent Churches and Global Pentecostalism. Historical Connections and Common IdentitiesE. Kamphausen, African Cry. Anmerkungen zur Entstehungsgeschichte einer kontextuellen Befreiungstheologie in AfrikaA. Adamavi-Aho Ekue, Troubled but not destroyed. The development of African Theologies and the paradigm of the Theology of reconstructionK. Hock, Appropriated Vibrancy. Immediacy as a Formative Element in African Theologies


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