
Creation and Christology : a study on the Johannine prologue in the light of early Jewish creation accounts / Masanobu Endo

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Bearbeitungszeit: 3 Werktage

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Zeitliche Einordnung:2002
Umfang:XX, 292 S
Format:; 24 cm
Sachgruppe(n):12 Christliche Religion ; 13 Allgemeine und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft, Nichtchristliche Religionen
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck
Schlagwörter:Schöpfung ; Frühjudentum ; Literatur
Schöpfungsbericht (Genesis) ; Rezeption ; Frühjudentum ; Literatur
Bibel. Johannesevangelium, 1,1-18 ; Exegese
Bibel. Johannesevangelium, 1,1-18 ; Christologie ; Schöpfung ; Frühjudentum ; Literatur



Since previous scholarship has searched for figures equivalent to the personified Logos in the Johannine Prologue, scholars have often ignored the context of which the Genesis creation account is the center. Masanobu Endo examines that reference to the Genesis creation account as it appears in contexts where the unique identity of God is maintained. In eschatological contexts the realization of eschatological salvation is strongly expected on the grounds of the sovereignty of God, which is known in his work of creation. This observation of the theological function of the Genesis creation account in the Second Temple period may shed light on the question of why reference is made to the Genesis creation account in the Johannine prologue. What this means is that the descriptions of the identity of the Word (the Son) in the Johannine prologue were made on the grounds of Jewish monotheistic speculation about the identity of God the Creator.


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