
Iranian Family and Succession Laws and their Application in German Courts

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Zeitliche Einordnung:2004
Umfang:XII, 183 S
Format:; 24 cm
Sachgruppe(n):340 Recht
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck
Schlagwörter:Iran ; Familienrecht ; Deutschland ; Rechtsanwendung ; Kongress ; Hamburg <2003>
Iran ; Erbrecht ; Deutschland ; Rechtsanwendung ; Kongress ; Hamburg <2003>



The Iranian legal system is not well known in the West and many clichés persist, clichés and prejudices that have increased since the clash of civilizations has been conjured up. A fresh encounter and an open dialogue between Islamic and Western professionals are badly needed and are offered in this book. Irans family law has not been static in recent years: the dower has been adapted to the inflation rate a compensatory claim for repudiated women as well as the concept of best interest of the child in custody law has been introduced. Today Islamic scholars are questioning the unilateral right of the husband to repudiate his wife and the unequal inheritance shares for men and women. Furthermore questions on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments are raised and a list of suggestions offered to foster the co-operation between Iran and Germany.Contributors:Jürgen Basedow, Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, Mathias Rohe, Nadjma Yassari, Seyyed Mostafa Mohaqeq Damad, Hossein Safa’i, Hassan Hamidian, Hossein Mehrpour, Reza Valavioun, Mansour Pournouri, Wolfgang Wurmnest


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